1300 766 997


Student Pack Ordering Options

Kookaburra’s Student Packs (also commonly referred to as Bookpacks) are a great way to start the year. They allow you to save time, money and resources by purchasing Back-to-School items in bulk and providing Packs to your students. They are also great for busy parents who value convenience. Our main focus is customer service and providing our customers with exactly what they need.

Our sales team are highly skilled in developing Packs and helping guide schools through the process of selecting products and resources. Don't know what to include? That's OK. With help from our sales team you'll be able to customise a Pack specifically suited to your school. We can even utilise your previous Bookpack list or existing Booklist as a base and build from there.

Student Packs can comprise stationery, textbooks, novels, headphones, data storage, calculators, art & craft and other educational resources. The Pack contents are developed in conjunction with the school to meet the teacher and students needs.

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1. General Bulk School Order

Bulk Supply of Back-to-School items.

Schools purchase all the necessary items in bulk as a Back-to-School requisite or assemble a Pack for each student. This option allows schools to order high-quality, Back-to-School items in bulk at exceptionally competitive prices.

(* this option is not available online, please call Kookaburra for assistance on 1300 766 997)

Key elements:

  • School pays for the items.
  • Items delivered to the school in bulk and can be packed in year or class allocations.
  • School elects to either utilise items as a bulk requisite for the school OR arranges staff to pack into individual Student Packs for each student.

2. Standard Compulsory Student Pack

One Pack per student – every Pack the same, ordered by the school.

A customised Pack created by the school which includes all compulsory items for each student by class or year allocation. Packs can be distributed by the school or ordered online by the parent/student and delivered to the school or to the parent/students' home address.

Key elements:

  • School chooses the items and creates a Standard Compulsory Pack specific to a year or class.
  • Teacher ensures all students are equipped at the beginning of the year with all of the required resources.
  • Standard Compulsory Packs eliminate the variations that occur when children are given a resource list and asked to purchase from various suppliers.
  • Allows simplified purchasing and packaging for school administration and parents alike.
  • Schools can order the Standard Compulsory Packs packed individually to be delivered to the school OR the parent/student can order online on the Kookaburra website, for delivery to the school or to the parent/students' home address.

3. Elective Student Pack

One Pack per student - every Pack is completely customisable, ordered online by the parent/student.

A list of elective items created by the school that can be purchased by the parent/student online. Packs can be delivered to the school or to the parent/students' home address.

Key elements:

  • Parent/student selects items from a pre-determined list generated by the teacher or school.
  • Kookaburra hosts a personalised online web portal and provides login details to the school.
  • Parent/student logs in online and purchases items from the elective list and pays by credit card or Bpay.
  • Pack is delivered to the school or to the parent/students' home address.

4. Compulsory + Elective Student Pack

One Pack per student - every Pack has compulsory and elective items, ordered online by the parent/student.

A customised Pack created by the school which includes all compulsory items for each student by class or year allocation PLUS a list of elective items created by the school that can be purchased by the parent/student online. Packs can be delivered to the school or to the parent/students' home address.

Key elements:

  • Online ordering consists of 2 components:
    1. A compulsory list of items (pre-determined by the teacher or school) that are required by each student for the start of the new school year. These items are compulsory and must be purchased by each student.
    2. An Elective list of items, created by the school, will also be presented to the parent/student online, and they may purchase any items they wish to top up their order.
  • Kookaburra hosts a personalised online web portal and provides login details to the school.
  • Parent/student logs in online and purchases items from the elective list as well as all compulsory items and pays by credit card or Bpay.
  • Pack is delivered to the school or to the parent/students' home address.

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